IOT Alarm: Servo + HC-SR04
1) 4 female — male wires
2) 3 male — male wires
3) External protoboard energy
4) SG-5010 Servo or equivalent.
5) HC-SR04
This part is the one who does the movement detection in a 180º range. Take in mind, servos and HC-SR04 generally needs 5v as input. Also I tried using the 5v output of Arduino UNO but I didn’t success for make servo working. That’s the reason of the external source.
The elements:
The here is all up and running:
This is the one of the most power consuming part for the system. Also I had issues about the stability of servo movement. But maybe that’s more related with the number of elements connected of the whole (I’m considering switching to a Arduino MEGA instead of UNO).
In the next I’m going to introduce the other key element (I think the one that makes this an IOT device): the ESP-8266.